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February 12, 2025


Science and entrepreneurship research at Paderborn University!


Paderborn Unit of Research in Entrepreneurship

The "Paderborn Unit of Research in Entrepreneurship" (PURE) is a group of scientists around the Chair of International Business at Paderborn University that scientifically investigates issues relating to start-ups and innovations.

The aim is to scientifically research practically relevant issues and thus be able to provide practitioners with recommendations for action and to develop and evaluate interventions.

The central philosophy here is the "evidence-based management" principle, the basic idea of which is to base practical goals and procedures on scientific evidence as far as possible, rather than - as is often the case - by referring to role models, "gurus", traditions or outdated knowledge.

Main research areas

Corporate Entrepreneurship

What structures and processes distinguish entrepreneurial companies from their competitors? What are the levers for promoting innovation in established companies? This research block is closely linked to TECUP's Disrupt Workshops, which bring together company employees and industry experts with students to develop innovative business models.

Founding motivation

What factors influence the motivation and intention to start your own business? What beliefs and attitudes do people (e.g. students at Paderborn University) have towards entrepreneurship or starting their own business?

Integration of innovations

How can companies create incentives for their employees to be more proactive, innovative and flexible in order to remain competitive in increasingly dynamic environments? This branch of research integrates traditional questions in human resource management as well as work and organizational psychology with questions from the field of (corporate) entrepreneurship.

Applied methodology


Questionnaire studies allow us to examine start-ups and innovation "as is". We try to compensate for the disadvantage that questionnaire studies generally do not allow causal conclusions to be drawn from the results with longitudinal designs and statistical methods such as the use of instrumental variables.

(Quasi) experiments

Experiments offer us the opportunity to test our findings from questionnaire studies in a controlled environment in order to rule out alternative mechanisms of action for a particular relationship as far as possible.


Meta-analyses allow us to systematically summarize the findings from a large number of studies on a specific issue - the "gold standard" of evidence-based management if the input of studies is of the appropriate quality.

Recently published

  • Innovations in companies - recommendations for action for SMEs.

    Funck, M., Wach, B. A., & Vogt, S. (forthcoming).
    In Haag, P. & Rossmann, P. (Eds.), Management of small and medium-sized enterprises. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

  • The more the merrier? Immigrant concentration and entrepreneurial activities.

    Li, C., Isidor, R., Dau, L., & Kabst, R. (forthcoming).
    Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice.

  • In love with methods that miss the market? A plea for deeper integration of the "where to play" perspective in corporate entrepreneurship sprints

    Rebert, T., Tomin, S., Wach, B. & Kabst, R. (forthcoming).
    Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

  • HR managers as intrapreneurs.

    Wach, B., Krebs, B., & Kabst, R. (forthcoming).
    In K. Schwuchow (Ed.), HR-TRENDS 2021. Freiburg: Haufe-Lexware.

  • The Other Side of the Same Coin - How Communal Beliefs About Entrepreneurship Influence Attitudes Toward Entrepreneurship.

    Jakob, E. A., Isidor, R., Steinmetz, H., Wehner, M. C., & Kabst, R. (2019).
    Journal of Vocational Behavior, 112, 431-445.

  • New market opportunities through process-oriented corporate entrepreneurship.

    Tomin, S., Wach, B. A., Achterberg, L. (2019).
    PERSONALquarterly, 2019(4), 16-22.

  • A further development of the HR Business Partner Model - approaches for more entrepreneurial thinking.

    Wach, B. A. (2019).
    PERSONALquarterly, 2019(4), 10-15.

  • International entrepreneurship: A meta-analysis on the internationalization and performance relationship.

    Schwens, C., Zapkau, F.B., Bierwerth, M., Isidor, R., Knight, G., & Kabst, R. (2018).
    Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice.
    Advance online publication.

  • The role of prior entrepreneurial exposure in the entrepreneurial process: A review and future research implications.

    Zapkau, F. B., Schwens, C., Kabst, R. (2017).
    Journal of Small Business Management, 55(1), 56-86.

Current research projects

  • Entrepreneurial learning in corporate ventures.

    Tomin, S., Steinmetz, H., Wach, B. & Kabst, R. (preparing for submission)

  • Venture Image and Human Values.

    Yahyaoui, Y., Jakob, E.A., Steinmetz, H., Isidor, R., Wehner, M., Kabst, R. (preparing for submission)

  • Responses of Entrepreneurial Teams to a Pandemic.

    Yahyaoui, Y., Jakob, E.A., Farny, S., Steinmetz, H. (data analysis stage & preparing for proposal submission)

  • Frame flexibility in corporate entrepreneurship.

    Tomin, S., Brunk, M., Burmeister-Lamp, K. & Kabst, R. (writing stage)

  • Human Values in Entrepreneurial Teams and Business Model Quality.

    Yahyaoui, Y. & Jakob, E.A. (writing stage)

  • Social comparison bias in entrepreneurial team formation.

    Krebs, B. (data analysis stage)

  • Effectiveness of virtual entrepreneurship education and experiential learning.

    Tomin, S., Wach, B., Krebs, B. (data analysis stage)

  • Corporate venture capital and signaling effects.

    Funck, M. (research design stage)

  • Corporate entrepreneurship and turnover.

    Krebs, B., Tomin, S. (in alphabetical order; research design stage)

Contact us

Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Kabst
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Kabst

Scientific Director
Tel.: 05251 - 60 2804

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